When The Girl Wants To Kiss A Boy

You 're stuck on a particular is also important for your special look . If you look good in what looks like it just can not decide . By shaving blades by not shaving or zero three -day stubble looks better or you think you have a clean shave more chocolate , this music we 're trying to solve it for you .

Beauty Expert explain more about how you look beautiful these days are more attracted to the look, in the end, what you want beautiful .

In terms of fashion , if you assume that the ideal Bollywood hero in Bollywood now, at least in terms of looks Gone are the clean shave .

Moreover, these actors look too much feeling for the boys so we can say that these days the boys are looking hot in Clean Shave Beard and more .

If you want short beard

• Keep in mind that the Phleto Short Beard will suit your face or not, because it looks better on everyone's face . If your face is full of stubble on the face is long and you will look at the French Beard .

• Beard extremely short work of patience because it is difficult to Menten . As soon as your Dhadi Jaaa growth between 5 and 12 millimeters Just be sure to trim it . If you do not grow thick and dark hair give her so much .

Yes , the lightweight and light -colored , they can grow slightly . Beard priced between 3 to 5 millimeters looks absolutely perfect and make you look GCS . At home, they can use the trimmer to trim .

• If you do not Kanfrtebl themselves at home in a nice salon and also of desired Beard trim available. But before confirming Make sure that the salon clean - Cleaning and Hygiene special care is being taken .

• your skin before shaving and make hair soft and warm items Preshev gels or creams .

• Create and shaving foam on the face of the small - small strokes started . Mind you , shaving in the direction of hair growth which is always in the same direction because doing so small - tiny hairs remain in the skin and increases growth soon .

• Then wash your face with cold water . Doing so will Smuding skin and pores tight and will stop itself . Apply shaving gel or lotion in Lost after Because it is antiseptic and any